Dec 8, 2005

Shiekh El-Kubba: an Ode to Tarneeb

A funny song by my brother Muneeb. He recorded it several years ago.
Muneeb Arrabi - Shiekh el-Kubba.mp3

hope you like it


  1. Wow, your brother is really talented. This brings back so many memories lol!

    The song is about trix though, not tarneeb.

  2. lol that was goooooood!

  3. Thanks much guys for your support. Yes, I wish he keeps producing more songs.

    Abdelsatar, you are right, this is Trix now Tarneeb

  4. Arrabi,

    Hathihi Il-ughniya tata3allaq bi al-trix wa leisa Il-tarneeb.

    Litha wajaba Al-tanweeh

    How are you by the way? Please send me regards.

    Feras Kilani

  5. Salam Feras,
    You are totally right. This is about Trix. The song actually goes into details of what has happened. It took me around 5 reruns to catch all the words ... ah, rap of these days! :-)

    Good to hear from you. When are we going to start a blog!? e-mail is so-yesterday ya akhi ;-)
