Aug 24, 2008

The real ranking of olympics

A medal-density by population ranking:
very interesting

Rank Country G S B T Official rank
1 Flag of Jamaica JAM - Jamaica 6 3 2 11 13
2 Flag of Bahrain BRN - Bahrain 1 0 0 1 52
3 Flag of Mongolia MGL - Mongolia 2 2 0 4 31
4 Flag of New Zealand NZL - New Zealand 3 1 5 9 26
5 Flag of Estonia EST - Estonia 1 1 0 2 46
6 Flag of Australia AUS - Australia 14 15 17 46 6
7 Flag of Georgia GEO - Georgia 3 0 3 6 27
8 Flag of Norway NOR - Norway 3 5 2 10 21
9 Flag of Slovakia SVK - Slovakia 3 2 1 6 25
10 Flag of Slovenia SLO - Slovenia 1 2 2 5 41
11 Flag of Latvia LAT - Latvia 1 1 1 3 45

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting. Thanks for posting this.
    The other thing i wonder about is the possibility of breaking down medal-winning athletes by region of training. So, if you are from one country, but go and train in another for most of your career, then compete under the name of your first country .. does that really count ?

    Thanks again for sharing this.
